2023 Exhibitor & Sponsor Packages

ILF's in-person conference experiences would not be possible without the support of our many vendors and partners. We encourage you to join us at the 2023 Annual Conference (November 13-14) as an exhibitor.

Booths at the Annual Conference are now SOLD OUT. If you're still interested in becoming an exhibitor or sponsor, please complete this form to join our waitlist. 

Exhibitors will receive 2 complimentary name badges for each program registration. The pricing for each program includes:

  • 2023 Affiliate Membership (January 1 – December 31): $100
  • Annual Conference
    • For-Profit: $800
      • Affiliate Member Discount: $725
    • Non-Profit: $450
      • Affiliate Member Discount: $375
  • Youth Services Conference
    • For-Profit: $750
      • Affiliate Member Discount: $675
    • Non-Profit: $300
      • Affiliate Member Discount: $225
  • Both Conferences
    • For-Profit: $1,400
      • Affiliate Member Discount: $1,250
    • Non-Profit: $700
      • Affiliate Member Discount: $575


If you would like to support the Annual Conference as a sponsor, there are four sponsorship tiers available, including add-ons. A few important notes about sponsorships:

  • There are a select number of sponsorships available:
    • Platinum: 6
    • Gold: 8
    • Silver: 10
    • Bronze: 10
    • Lanyard Sponsor (add-on) - 1
      • First-come, first-serve. The lanyard sponsor will provide lanyards with their logo for our 750 anticipated attendees. 

Package Details

  • Booths are reserved via the exhibitor packages unless you are a Platinum or Gold sponsor; booths are provided at that level. Premium booth placement is secured through Platinum or Gold sponsorship. 
  • All sponsors, regardless of tier, will receive access to advertising on the Annual Conference webpage and the conference mobile app.
  • Explanations of each sponsorship opportunity:
    • Meal Presentation - Platinum sponsors can host a meal or cocktail hour for members to attend on-site.
      • The 'meal' will be determined by ILF staff in coordination with the sponsor.  A maximum of $1,500 will be applied to food and beverage for your event. It will include tax, tip, and gratuity (20%). Any upgrades for meals or additional expenses will be covered by the sponsor partner. 
      • All meals will occur at the Crowne Plaza at Union Station, the host hotel of the conference.
      • The sponsor will control the invites and be provided a room to accommodate approximately 40-50 attendees. Because of this, the ILF will not be responsible for the marketing/advertising of these meal-related events. The ILF requests that the sponsor provide a list of attendees to the staff for tracking purposes.
      • Sponsor meals will be displayed in the conference app as a ticketed event.
      • Times and rooms will be determined by ILF staff to not conflict with the overall conference schedule.
    • Sponsor Presentation - The sponsor will get a chance to present a 50-minute demo of their product or service in a designated room.
    • Premium Booth Placement - Sponsors will receive preference on booth locations that will garner a higher volume of foot traffic.
    • Email Marketing - Your organization's name will be listed on mass emails sent to current and prospective attendees.
    • Website Advertising - Your organization's name and logo will be featured on the Annual Conference webpage.
    • Mobile App Advertising - Your organization will be listed in the Sponsors tab in the mobile app and will have a slider on the home page.
    • On-Site Banner - Your organization's logo will be listed on a pop-up banner on-site.
    • Name Badges - Platinum sponsors will have the opportunity for their logo to appear on the printed name badge for all attendees. 
    • # of Registrants - Determines how many complimentary registrations you receive with your sponsorship.
    • Regular Booth - Booths are included with the Platinum & Gold packages. Otherwise, vendors are encouraged to register for a booth separately.


# Available

Meal Sponsor

Sponsor Presentation Opportunity

Premium Booth Placement

Email Marketing

Website Advertising

Mobile App Advertising

On Site Banner

Name Badges

# of Registrants

Regular Booth

Platinum ($3,500)












Gold ($2,000)












Silver ($1,000)












Bronze ($750)












Add-On – Lanyards ($500)













In-Kind Donations for Tuesday Giveaway

We will host a giveaway opportunity for attendees during the closing session on Tuesday afternoon. We are seeking items, packages, and prizes to offer during that session. If you're interested in participating in the giveaways, please contact ILF staff. We will coordinate with you on where the in-kind donations should be sent closer to the dates of the conference. 


If you have any questions about 2023 exhibiting opportunities, please contact Assistant Executive Director, Kyle Hickman